Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ding, Ding, Ding: A Technology Boxing Match and a Linky Retry

This has been a week of fighting technology.  Last week I had linked to Lorraine's 3rd-5th Grade Linky party, but half way through I heard a pop and sizzle...yes my CPU shorted out somehow. Guess it was one hot link! (I'm just thankful it wasn't the darn mouse that chewed all the wires on my car. Scroll to the bottom of the post to see that craziness!)  Needless to say, I wasn't able to finish following the directions per her website.  Now with a new CPU, new blog button (Yay me!!), and even a new blog design and header, I am trying to link again.  Sigh...and I was so excited to be in the lower numbers to link.  Oh well, 99-100 is a great link number!

Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies- A Linky Party!

Well, since I have spent time that I should have been cleaning, doing laundry, playing with my little man, vegging on the couch a lot of time updating my blog and creating my blog button, I need to call it quits tonight.  My husband just asked me if he needed to join my site for me to talk to him.....well, that is a thought and I'd love more followers!   I promise to blog tomorrow with actual classroom ideas, ramblings, and hopefully a sense of humor tomorrow! 

Let me know what you think of my new Grab Button and Blog Header. First six to comment (hey- I only have 6 followers!) will get a free download of a Biography Bottle Buddy parent letter and rubric. Just leave your email with your comment. I will be posting the actual idea and instructions tomorrow. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thanks for joining up! I'll email you the fun biography bottle buddy letter and rubric. I'm on my Kindle right now though. Heading over to your site now.!

  2. Hi! I found your adorable blog through Lorraine's Linky Party. I love your blog header and blog button. Very cute! I am your newest follower! If you get a chance, stop on by my blog.

    Have a fabulous weekend!
