Tuesday, March 13, 2012

State Assessments, A Little Crafty, and a LOT of Elk: More late night ramblings from this 5th grade teacher!

"Well, it is what it is." That has been running through my head the last several days as we work towards completing our state assessments. (I accidentally  typed competing instead of completing at first...hmmm, sure feels that way sometimes.)   I sure am proud of the effort and hard work of my students and ALL of our staff!   At this point, scores will be what they will be.  However, in my class, we will continue to learn practical application of skills taught, because that is part of my job.  Creating joyful life-long learners who have the skills needed to survive life and do what makes them passionate. (Hopefully that passion will also pay their bills! :D )  I just hope that this roller coaster of high stakes test at least mellows out to rational models of growth and focus on students getting a well rounded education.
A Scrappy Perpetual Type Calendar
   I created this calendar 8 years ago, it looks brand new, and is still so much fun!  This calendar is made up of 3x3inch squares of scrapbook paper.  Don't go cheap-use high quality cardstock.  Mine is from Bazil papers and has not faded!
     Each month has its own squares plus a month tag.  Normally I spruce the calendar with buttons, tags, or stickers, but kept it simple this month. I drew a border around each square with a black pen,  purposefully drawing the lines a bit wiggly so that when I staple them up, I don't have to worry about super straight rows and columns.
      Background is tulle and wrapping paper.  (Hint, plan in advance and staple up your Spring bulletin board papers first then layer with winter, fall, etc.  Makes life easier to just tear off a layer!)
 A 12 pocket folder works great for storing each month, plus embellishments.
 Using white or cream colored cardstock, again, don't go cheap, I add birthdays, events, and even quarterly GVC goals. (Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum in Wyoming acronyms.)  Some months I mix-and-match the cards which I can do because nothing is glued onto the 3x3 squares except the number. Plus, I'm just a rebel like that.
 What do you think?
     For teachers in my town or over the internet you can get the supplies at Life's Journey Scrapbooking.  Her March page kit design on her website is actual my page that I designed. Sorry for the plug, but I love Shannon and her family at Life's Journey.  Her daughter babysits my little man, and much to my hubby's chagrin L's first 3-syllable word was " Ackooking! Ackooking!" as we drove past the scrapbooking store! 

Thought I'd end tonight with some amazing pictures I took last weekend during a trip to Estes Park, Colorado.  Several of these bull elk were less than 20 feet away from us. For those who have never been to Estes, they have a MASSIVE herd of elk that wander the town and cause mischief.  Several years ago we watched the elk playing in the golf course sprinklers as golfers just golfed around them.  
 This beautiful guy just hung out and posed for my camera.  He was a great model and truly was as close as this picture seems!  (Well, within 20 feet!)
 Velvet is hanging off! 
Fuzzy shot, but what a neat picture; this guy had just lost 1 antler.

 Rattling the racks as the antlers become sheds.  
The guy on the right spotted me right after this picture. He puffed out his chest, widened his legs, dropped his head, and stared. I decided then and there that I was about to become a local who acted like one of those idiot tourists that make national news for trying to feed a bear or raise a panther as a child.  Needless to say, I was done snapping pictures. 
 Well, took a few more...Great view as we were leaving! 


  1. I love the pics!! I just followed you over from the froggy bloggy link up for upper elementary!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. Thanks, the elk pics were fun to take! I linked from my Kindle Fire and this glorious technology wasn't letting me type a post to link from my site. Hopefully today! Heading over to your blog now.

  3. Sweet Pics :) If Only your hubby could shoot one.... I cant believe I am reading a blog.... WOW
