Saturday, August 18, 2012

Custom Made Freebie and Starbucks Card: A Procrastinators End of Summer Give Away

  I've sat at this computer typing and deleting...typing and deleting.  My sarcastic wit has deserted me, and left in its place is a caffeine deprived blogger.  However, I am enjoying one of my most favorite places in the world, the Big Horn Mountains, with some great family, so I guess that makes up for my lack of snarky and highly humorous intellectually stimulating comments today. 

  To ask forgiveness for this dry and boring post, I am teaming up with Life's Journey Scrapbooking to do a giveaway for all my teacher and non-teacher bloggy buddies! Drum roll please...We are going to give 1 lucky person a....
 $10 Starbucks card
I even promise not to use the $$ that is on the card!
and 2 lucky winners will receive....oh I can hear all of the deep breathes as everyone gears up in anticipation.....

Custom made Accordion Folders!!
(Ok, I thought about naming them the "Cute and Crafty Lifeline of Organization for Teachers and All Others Dohickey Thing-A-Maging Must Have Tool of Sucess", but decided I might get tired...or confused...when repeating it.)

The Outside of my Folder: Step 1 of Operation Organization! The front is under the plastic, so it won't get ruin when you reach across your desk and spill coffee..noth that I have ever done that!

Mine includes a calendar, spiral notebook and pocket to store stuff candy hidden from students or the toddler. Sorry, wine, coffee, or energy drinks won't fit.

Are you impressed yet?

I am going to use mine to store
 parent notes and messages until I can get them filed. 
What would you used this for?

This is a super cute example my friend Crystal made for her daughter.

Can you guess what her daughter loves?

Organize, photos, document, or store!

  These folders are adorable and can be used as a planner, organizer, or to hide the candy bars from the children. See? Multi use!  The 2 folder winners will get to pick color and/or theme and will receive a 1-of-a-kind file made by moi.  Now who needs Prada or Coach when you can have a Mrs. M original? 
 You can get up to 5 chances to win, and those that are blog experts can already guess how. 
1.) Go check out my buddy at Life's Journey Scrapbooking and make a comment on her current post. Make sure to let her know you found her through me.
2.) Follow her publicly. (She has some great ideas!)
3.) Leave a comment on my blog about how you would use the folder or your favorite coffee drink. :D  Don't forget to leave your email and that you have or already...
4.) Follow me publicly.
5.) Post a link to this blog post on your blog, and let me know by sharing that in your comment. (It is almost midnight and I am not about to being to figure out how to use the linky tools. Next time...)
6.)...Hey, it's my blog, I can add an extra chance if I want!  6.) I take bribes. The bigger, the better. Just saying.

I will alert and announce winners on August 28, which is the first day that our kiddos come back to school. Good luck all!

P.S. I am sharing 2 more photos of my color cordinated classroom.  It's getting there...slowly...and very expensively...If you missed my first picture and classroom ideas, check it out!

The one time this year, my desk will be this clean!

Lets pretend we didn't see this....

 I am off to enjoy the last few days of summer!
Good night all!


  1. It all sounds very cute. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any images after the Starbucks one. The all look like little blocks and there is a google error image when I press in one.

    It sounds like a great idea that i would use for tor holding papers to be graded. I am a follower

    1. Heather-hopefully you can see the pictures now! Thanks for being the first to reply also! :D

  2. I also can't see the images.
    I follow your blog.
    How I would use the $10 Starbucks card-- since there is not a Starbucks on my way to school, I could use it after school as a treat!

    1. Becky- Anytime of the day is perfect for Starbucks! So sad that it isn't ON the way to school for you though!

  3. Ok, hopefully the images are fixed. Joy of technology!! Let me know!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Hopefully tomorrow I will get the rest of it finished, and there is a LOT to do!

  5. Love, love, love your desk area! I am using the same colors in my classroom and just picked up those polkadot borders last week. You have good taste! :) Thanks for hosting this super fun giveaway! I do love me some Starbucks! I can't wait for my favorite drink, Pumpkin Spice Latte, to make its yearly appearance! Lattes and Laughter

    1. Great minds think alike! I will look forward to stealing...I mean seeing your decorating ideas! Yum, I forgot about Pumpkin Spice. It makes me so happy when they switch to their red winter cups; makes it taste even better!

  6. Thanks for the chance! I visited Life's Journey Scrapbooking and left a comment on her current post. :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  7. I follow Life's Journey Scrapbooking via gfc as Dee.

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  8. I follow you via gfc as Dee.

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  9. I love their chai lattes especially the iced ones. Very refreshing and delicious! :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  10. I am one of your newest followers! I just posted a link to your blog on my blog!

    I would use my Starbucks gift card for a few things. But first, I would order a fru-fru drink... like a caramel frappechino
    A) get hyped up on a Saturday before going to school...Honesty is the BEST policy
    B)Do a little happy dance because I won something!
    C)Treat myself to something wonderful because I'm a poor teacher who spends WAY too much money on her classroom!!

    As for the accordion file folder... I would use it for something useful... But the ideas are just flooding in and I can't get them into writing :)

    By the way, I LOVE your new color scheme. I use the SAME colors in my 5th grade room. Apparently turquoise is the HOT new color for this fall!

  11. ooops... My email is

  12. I would use this for my teacher planner,super cute idea.

  13. What don't I love at Starbucks?!?! My ultimate fave is an egg nog latte, but I can't have one of those until November. In the hot weather I like iced tea.

  14. Oops, my email is I am starting a new job this year, moving from second grade to a 4-5 multiage hi-cap class and I'd use the planner to help keep me organized. :)

  15. I went with a turquoise and brown chevron theme this year. Very similar in feel to yours. It was a total update for my room, and I can't believe how it changed the atmosphere for me!!Starbucks- it's one of my happy places!! White Chocolate Mocha is my fav, today...

  16. I follow you on Pinterest and absolutely LOVE your stuff! I would use this for my planner in my final year of teacher training (eek!) and I'm from the UK :) I hope i'm not too late to enter the competition as I think I am in Love! my email is

  17. Buy online and gift personalized cards to teacher like e-cards because teachers deserve to enjoy this day after all the effort they put in you then why not to wish them through these cards and make their day beautiful.

  18. I love all of your ideas!! How did you do your desk? Is that bulletin board paper and boarder? I couldn't quite tell how to go about doing mine like that for my first year.. My email is
    Thank you in advance! :)

  19. I know this is ages after you have done your give away, but I would really just like more information about the custom accordion file that you created. How did you do it and where did you get your supplies etc. If you have directions or tips on how to create that I would love to see them. I think it is brilliant. My email is lannenj@ Thank you.
