Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Guest Blog: A Hurried Rambling from a Happy Rambler

Good morning!  I love spring mornings when the wind ISN'T blowing, blue skies, flowers on trees, and lovely allergies.  Well, not loving the allergies these days...What I am loving is that today, I am the Featured Guest Blogger at Think, Wonder, and Teach!
She has such a great blog that has a wonderful mix of humor and practical classroom ideas!  Go check her out and of course, check out my Rambling post on her blog today.  (I'm doing the happy dance this morning! Which of course my students and family members know looks more like a person who stuck her fingers in an outlet, but I'm happy dancing nonetheless.)

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. M


  1. I enjoyed your guest post and now I am your newest follower!

    Des @ When I Grow Up
