Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Coffee, and Gift Cards, and Lessons Plans: Oh My!

    I just finished a great day today! (OK, who am I kidding? I have hours of grading, house stuff, important Pinterest pins to repin...)  Each month I have a pizza night at one of our local Pizza Huts for my students and parents.  It has been such a WONDERFUL opportunity to get to know the families without the pressure of school issues, projects, grades, etc.  Tonight we had our largest turn out, and I am sad that we only have 1 left!    Does anyone else do a non school activity? I'd love to hear about it!

This post isn't to talk pizza though.  I am typing to share that as a contributor to 3-6 Free Resources, I am participating in a HUGE, did I mention HUGE, MayDay Giveaway!

 My contribution?  Starbucks of course!    Ten smackaroos to purchase your favorite coffee beverage!!
  Ahh!  Liquid Heaven! 
 I was talking to one of my favorite Starbucks Baristas today, and I came up with the idea that we need to create a tab of Starbucks that dissolves under your tongue for those morning...ummm today...where the caffeine can't kick in soon enough.  What do you think? I'd buy it! (I'm picturing it packaged like a roll of mints...hmmm...I might be on to something....)
   Well, tonight's ramble wasn't about any of the AMAZING things we are doing in my classroom,  but it was a SUPER supper evening with students and families, and ended with an ENORMOUS giveaway.  So what are you waiting for?  Go register right now!


  1. WOW I'm jealous - your contribution is WAY better than my contribution! LOL

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  2. That is only because I couldn't decide what to do, and well...Starbucks..;D
