Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Rodents, A Flooded Basement, and Another Linky Party: All Part of Plan B

   My goals this evening were the following...1.) Stop and Breathe 2.) Love on the toddler 3.) Blog about the AMAZING Choose Your Own Adventure stories my students are writing. (And sharing the graphic organizer for it.)
   However, life happens.  Remember my story about the mice eating all, yes ALL, the wires in my car?  Well, tonight I came home from an exec. board meeting and this is what I found on my front lawn...
...baby ground squirrels that were being born as we watched.  There were 6 babies total that were hanging out on our grass. We never did see the momma, but the babies were curious of my husband's iPhone that I had shoved near them.  Now part of me is absolutely cringing at the thought of more of these critters causing havoc in my yard and the field, but geez...they are babies!! Everybody say, "Ahhh! How cute!!" 
     I'm guessing we were a sight to see also.  I'm lying on the ground with the camera, Little Man is sitting on my back yelling at them to "Come 'ere now!", and my husband is watching with a shovel in his hands...
   Wait! A shovel you ask?  Oh yes, the other special treat that I came home to tonight...a flooded basement!  Yup, our front sprinkler box leaked and turned part of our basement into a kiddy pool.  Luckily the hubs is good with tools, and I can use a mop and carpet cleaner like a pro.  Needless to say, the Choose Your Own Adventure graphic organizer is still not done will have to wait.  However, plan B is a fun...
  Linky Party with

She is hosting her 1st linky (way to go!!)  and it is such a great idea!  The topic for tonight's linky is..
Here goes...

3 Amazing Things that Happened this School Year

1.) My students aka Maylians are A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
2.) I love Foldables! Math, Reading, Social Studies...I love Foldables!
3.) The Biography Bottle Buddies my Maylians created, along with their wax museum turned me into a proud Momma teacher!  Did I mention my students are awesome?!?
Can I do more? We had so many wonderful activities, people, and events this year!

3 Not-So-Amazing Things that Happened at School this Year

1.) I need a secretary!  I can only see the top of my desk every other week...or so...
2.) Not enough time to focus on "non-core curriculum". Sigh.
3.) Multiple new curriculum programs plus a more intensive GVC made for a stressful learning curve for myself. 
It is always amazing how trivial problems from the beginning become by the end of the school year.  I can honestly say that I will miss my Maylians, and if their parents would approve, I'd retain them in my classroom just to be selfish and keep these super kiddos! (Don't worry, I probably won't do it...)

   Ok, time to go check on how the carpet is drying, and possibly get a few minutes sleep before the start of another exciting day.  Stay tuned for the CYOAs I keep promising!  I will get them posted...in between the ground squirrels, swimming basements, and end-of-the-school-year excitment!  Good night!


  1. Replies
    1. Amber, thanks for having a great linky party so that Plan C didn't have to go into effect! LOL!

  2. hey! I just gave you the One Lovely Blog Award! Come check it out!

    And I am your newest follower :)

    Miss Elementary

  3. I follow your blog and like what I see. If you are interested in claiming "One Lovely Blog Award" go to my blog and follow the simple rules.

  4. Floods and rodents are a big NO-NO in the house! I hope that your problems with your flooded basement were all resolved by now. Constant flooding can wreak havoc to your property. Water damage and mold formation can be the result of unresolved flooding. Better check the leaks and fix you plumbing system to avoid such problems. [Darryl Iorio]

  5. I agree. No matter how harmful critters can be, you still can’t hurt babies. I guess it’s hard not to grow a heart looking at them. :] On another note, I’m glad the flooded basement was just a case of a leaking sprinkler. I think that’s still easier to handle than a storm flood, I believe. I hope the mop and the carpet cleaner work! -->Darryl Mikula
