Sunday, May 6, 2012

School Children vs. Family Children: A Teacher's Responsibilities

    Just like the many other dedicated teachers around the country, I spend many hours planning, plotting, and creating a wide variety of lessons and activities that are geared to engage, teach, and inspire students to want to learn.  (And I'm always thrilled when at least 1 or 2 of those ideas meet that goal! LOL!) Well, this weekend I wanted to show you the amazing classroom idea I had...

I am loving my purple and salmony orange wreath that I made today!   Sometimes I even impress myself! (Note: the adult male in my household was NOT as impressed with said wreath, nor was he as impressed
with his wife's super hero powers to craft, chat, and child watch at the same time.  Hmmm.)

Can you believe that Mrs. Anderson
wasn't super happy with this wreath?
 Really?? It is absolutely ADORABLE
and feminine with paper flowers. Just what
the 4th grade teacher and mom of 4,
yes 4!! boys needs at her house!
  OK, OK, you caught me!  No classroom idea on today's post. After spending every Sunday since September in my classroom: then coming home and working longer, I played hooky from my no-pay Sunday job to create monogram wreaths with two of my favorite people! Brandie and Tammy are both amazing teachers in our district, and I had a great time creating with them. 
We call it our Pinterest Day and we try to do it once a month...and in the year that we've tried we've managed...twice.  Did I mention spending Sundays at school?


Mrs. BBG aka the Softball Diva's
AMAZING Black, White,
and Hot Pink Wreath! WOW!
Now, you may be wondering why I titled my post the way that I did.  I felt that it was an important reflection that while I may joke about the extra hours I spend devoted to my classroom children, and I do consider them a gift that their parents have shared with me for the year, those school related extra hours are my choice.  I want to be the best teacher possible, and that means putting in the time.  However this weekend, I also made the important choice to make all daylight hours about family and friends. Home projects with the hubby, playing " 'atter up" with the toddler, snuggling,  family time, and crafting with friends came first this weekend.  As we become overwhelmed with end of the year testing, projects, and the thoughts of having to let go of our school children, remember to enjoy your springtime with both classroom families and home families! 

Well, it is time to "Close the door" on tonight's post.  My weekend of family is over, and the night of prepping for a wonderful week at school is about to commence. (I am creating a version of the Hungry Games, aka the Maylian Games, that doesn't involve killing but does involve reading strategies....I could make SO many sarcastic comments right now, but I won't... I know that as I am finishing blogging and starting to do school work, both crafty teacher friends: along with many other teachers, are also hard at work creating, reflecting, and agonizing over how to help their classroom children.  Good luck and have a GREAT week!

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